Western Union® is a worldwide financial service and payment network that Alibaba.com users in the U.S. can utilize to send funds to recipients via Western Union® local agents.
Why use Western Union®?
Cash payment is supported
Recipients are still able to receive money, even without a bank account.
Fast transfer processing time
Transactions can be received within one business day.
Terms and conditions
Only Alibaba.com users with a registered address or shipping address in the U.S. can use this payment method.
The limit for each transaction is $2,500.
The only applicable currency is USD.
Transaction fees
All amounts listed below are in USD
It takes 24 hours for Western Union® to activate the system generated account. Please wait 24 hours before transferring funds.
If the order amount is modified, the payment account number associated with the order will change. Please click "view account information" again to obtain the latest information.
The funds will be collected by Alipay Singapore E Commerce on behalf of the seller. Please make sure to use "Alipay Singapore E Commerce" as company name instead of the supplier's company name.
Please choose Western Union® "Quick Pay" as payment channel.
How to pay using Western Union®?
Access the payment platform through
Option 1: "All Orders" Page
Find the order you would like to pay for and click "Make payment"
Option 2: Order details page
Click “Make payment”
Option 3: Payment links
Get directed to your order when your supplier shares a link in Message Center