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Trade Dispute
I have received a trade dispute

If you've received a trade dispute from an Alibaba.com trade partner, our security team has already begun processing your case. If the dispute is valid, you will be asked to respond with your side within 5 days. 

Upon receiving notification by email, please go to the Complaint Center at https://service.alibaba.com/complaint/center/list.htm. Take time to review the case details and respond to it online and in a time manner. You are advised to provide evidence in the form of communications records and documents to resolve the case. All the updates regarding this dispute case will be updated in the Complaint Center.

If you failed to respond to the case online or could not resolve it in time, your company may need to bear the responsibility and the record may be displayed on your Alibaba website for 90 days.

Check Trade and Dispute Rules here.

I want to submit a trade dispute

Please submit your complaint to Online Complaint Center at https://service.alibaba.com/complaint/center/index.htm with valid proof. Alibaba Security Team will check it and follow up. All the updates can be found in the Complaint Center. 

Please submit the dispute under the correct order type (see below for reference):

Safe trading tips
  • Verify the trading partner's identity by checking his Alibaba.com minisite or research their company on a regular search engine to make sure it is a legitimate company.
  • Be careful of suspiciously low prices.
  • Be careful of suspicious payment requests, e.g. if a supplier asks you to send payment to another country which is different with the company's registered country.
  • Make a contract, invoice and other necessary documents. 


Click here for more safe trading tips.