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Fireside Chat
How US SMBs can set up their own virtual events to attract and engage customers

With the cancellation of most trade shows and in person events, US SMBs are left struggling to find ways to connect with customers and potential buyers and suppliers. Hosting virtual experiences is an alternative way to connect with the B2B community and educate and inform customers about business changes.

Hear from Angel Mills of Angel Mills Brand Strategy to learn more about how your business can get started with setting up and promoting virtual events.

Angel is a brand strategist, digital marketer, and community builder! Angel believes that service and connection are at the heart of any strong brand and she envisions a world where every entrepreneur knows what makes her business special.

Angel has managed marketing for several brands including Georgia Organics, Certified Africa, Architectural Accents, the Miss Black Pennsylvania USA Pageant Program, and the University of Pennsylvania Weiss Tech House

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