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Notice: Category Posting Adjustment (Sep. 2017)


In order to enhance the buyer experience and optimize the categorization of goods on Alibaba.com, we will be updating listed products and their categories on September 14, 2017.

Products listed under the top-level category “Tools” will be adjusted first.

Please note the following points when the upgrade occurs:

1. Listed products will have their categories automatically updated to the new category

2. The update may lead to the loss of certain historical data for certain products

3. The update may result in accurate RFQ recommendations in some cases



1、Why has the industry category been updated?

In order to allow buyers to find products more efficiently and with greater accuracy, the industry category has been updated. Your product will be classified under a more appropriate category. 


2、Why is the category I subscribed to missing?

Alibaba is updating the industry category. After the update, the system will delete any obsolete subscription categories. Please re-subscribe in order to gain more accurate business opportunities. Your understanding is highly appreciated.


3、Why can't I find the right RFQ?

Alibaba has updated the industry category and this will affect the RFQ search and recommendation accuracy. Your understanding is highly appreciated.


4、Why is my product classified as "wrong"?

Your industry category has been updated to improve the buying experience. This update has caused changes in the way products are classified and some may now be "wrong". Please optimize your product information to ensure your that your products are correctly classified and buyers can find them.


5、Why did my data change ?

Alibaba has updated the industry category. Due to the category and product adjustment, the data has changed. If you are experiencing large changes in data, it is because your are part of the updated industry category. Your understanding is highly appreciated.