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Experience the beautifying effects of
Japanese cosmetics!

Japanese cosmetics are popular even in other countries.
“Sweets” are the No. 1 most purchased products by overseas tourists visiting Japan at a rate of 63.5%, but “Cosmetics and Perfume” are the next highest at 35.7%.

When you look at the proportion of spending on “Cosmetics and Perfume” by country, China is highest at 72.1%, followed by Hong Kong at 36.1%.

“訪日外国人の消費動向(2020年)” Japan Tourism Agency.

As for imports and exports of cosmetics, both imports and exports tended to increase for a long time, but the value of imports to Japan was higher than the value of exports from Japan.

However, the value of exports surpassed the value of imports for the first time from 2015 to 2016, and the value of exports has been about double the value of imports since 2018.

“化粧品の輸出入(2021年)” Japan Cosmetic Industry Association.

The main export markets like China, Hong Kong, South Korea, and Singapore are growing. Exports to China and Hong Kong in particular have grown rapidly since 2015.

“化粧品の輸出入(2021年)” Japan Cosmetic Industry Association.

Japan's Unique Cosmetics

Since ancient times, there have been cosmetics unique to Japan used as beauty products by women to keep their skin beautiful. Their effectiveness is recognized even today, and they are used as ingredients in cosmetics. Here we will introduce the effects and uses of rice bran and tsubaki oil, two produces that have been growing in popularity overseas.

Rice Bran

Rice bran is rich in nutrients like vitamins, minerals, fats, and protein, so it is often used in food processing in Japan. It is also widely used as a fertilizer and beauty product.

What is rice bran?

The white rice we eat is made by polishing brown rice after the hull is removed. Polishing away the surface of brown rice turns it into white rice, and the powder created by polishing is called rice bran.

Why is rice bran good for beauty?

When you look at the ingredients in rice bran, you will see they are very good for skin. So, what kind of ingredients are there in rice bran?


Phytic acid extracted from rice bran promotes the elimination of toxins in the body, prevents skin from aging, and helps improve spots and wrinkles. It also has peeling effects, and it is said to make skin feel soft and have excellent moisturizing effects as well.


A type of vitamin B, it regulates production of skin oils, is an excellent moisturizer, and improves the elasticity and suppleness of skin for people of all ages.

Ferulic Acid

A type of polyphenol, it reduces the production of melanin from sun-tanning, so it helps prevent dark spots and freckles.

Gamma Oryzanol

It suppresses oxidation, so it helps prevent spots, wrinkles, and darkening of the skin caused by oxidation. It promotes blood flow, so it increases skin cell turnover. It also has beautifying effects like relieving dry skin and brightening the color of skin.

Rice Sterol Ester

It protects skin from dryness and inflammation by preventing the skin’s moisture from evaporating, and it is an excellent moisturizer.

Rice bran beauty treatments favored since ancient times

Beauty treatments with rice bran have been used in Japan since ancient times. This natural ingredient is recommended for people with sensitive skin.

Rice Bran

Bath People have put cloth bags filled with rice bran in their bath, or used it for washing the body since the year 800. • Rice Bran Pack A rice bran pack is made by kneading a mixture of rice bran, wheat flour, and water until it forms a paste. You can also try adding yogurt or honey.


Many fermented foods known around the world are enjoyed in Japanese culture. Well known foods include miso and soy sauce. Nukazuke is another fermented food often eaten in Japan. Nukazuke is made by pickling vegetables in a mixture of rice bran, salt, water, and other ingredients

It is believed that salted foods like shiozuke have existed in Japan for more than 2,000 years. It is unclear when people in Japan first started eating nukazuke, but it is thought that it was widespread by the year 1500.


Do you know what the world’s top 3 oils are? They are olive oil, camellia oil, and jojoba oil. Like camellia oil, tsubaki oil is made from the seeds of Camellia plants in the Theaceae family, but strictly speaking, they are different.

Camellia oil refers to all oils made from the seeds of Camellia plants in the Theaceae family, while tsubaki oil refers to oil made from the seeds of the Japanese camellia (Camellia japonica) in particular. Most of the products called camellia oil distributed internationally are made from the seeds of the tea tree (Camellia sinensis).

Tsubaki oil is a traditional oil that was already being used by Japanese people in the year 800. People in Japan have used it to keep their black hair beautiful. For this reason, it makes sense there are many long-standing companies that produce tsubaki oil in Japan.

The Effects of Tsubaki Oil

With the scientific study of the ingredients of tsubaki oil by universities and other research groups, its superior qualities have attracted interest. It is rich in oleic acid triglyceride, the main ingredient in camellia oil, which is believed to reduce bad cholesterol in the bloodstream.

Triglycerides are also the main component of human skin oils, and oleic acid is the main component of triglyceride. Oleic acid is classified as a non-drying oil which is resistant to evaporation, oxidation, and solidifying at room temperature, so it is also an excellent skin moisturizer. Applying it to your hair makes it more supple, resilient, and healthy. It also protects against UV rays, so it prevents damage to your hair and keeps it shiny.

Rice bran beauty treatments favored since ancient times

Scalp massages and hair packs

Using it for scalp massages cleanses hair follicles and keeps them healthy. This helps healthier hair to grow. Using a pack made with tsubaki oil makes hair more supple and resilient. It is also effective against damage from UV rays.

Shampoo, hair treatments, and hair creams

Add a few drops of tsubaki oil to the shampoo you currently use to wash your hair. The oil mixes well with shampoo, so the oil will be spread all over your hair. Like shampoo, a few drops can also be added to hair treatments or hair creams. You can also apply a few drops directly to damaged areas after drying your hair.


Cleansing with tsubaki oil lifts and removes dirt trapped in skin oils, and the nutrients in the tsubaki oil are absorbed by your skin.

Skin lotion and toner

As mentioned earlier, the oleic acid in skin oils keeps your skin soft and moisturized, so a few drops can be added to the skin lotion or toner you normally use, or you can use it as a skin lotion or toner by itself.

Japan has a wide variety of other organic cosmetics, including charcoal masks, gels with yuzu citrus extract, and skin lotion made with melted snow from Hokkaido in northern Japan. You could say that they were created out of the desire of Japanese women to keep their skin beautiful since ancient times.