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Tips to Manage your Product Showcase
Importance of managing your Product Showcase

 Customer Views are the number of views your products or company receive by buyers in the search results list or under category searches on Alibaba.com.

How to set your Product Showcase?
How to replace or remove the Product Showcase

Showcased product can be managed by clicking "Remove" or "Add Product".


  • To remove products, click “Remove”, and the products will be removed from the account.


  • To replace the products in Product Showcase, you may click “Remove” first, and then click “Add Products” to add new products
Tips for selecting Showcased products

Basic suggestions:

Showcase Products tend to get 8 times more exposure than non-showcase products.  In order to maximize the benefits of the Showcase, here are some tips for you:

  • Fully utilize your showcase space, never leave it empty.
  • Make sure the showcase products’ information be complete and comprehensive. As under the same condition, showcase products enjoy higher exposure. Poor quality showcase products will reduce the value of showcase.
  • Improve the showcase value by placing different products there. You can set one hot product from each of your product categories into Product Showcase to get higher ranking and exposure.

Advanced Tips:

Action Description
1) Select suitable products You can addt hot, best-selling, or new products into the showcase, to attract more buyer views.
2) Promote many products As your showcased products enjoy higher exposure, make sure you add as many products as possible to your Product Showcase
3) Set suitable keywords for showcase Under “My Products”, you can set keywords that will maximize exposure. Tip: set keywords that buyers typically search for when searching for products in your product’s category
4) Use more product photos in your showcase Add product photos from several angles, and even company photos in order to boost buyer confidence in your company and products
5) Update your showcased products frequently Update your showcased products according to the product performance (e.g. exposure, clicks or inquiries received). Underperforming products may need more details, and some may need to be replaced with more popular products.

To learn more about managing your Product Showcase, click here.

To learn about how to customize your Product Showcase’s display, click here.