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Tips to improve Response Rate
What is inquiry Response Rate

The Response Rate measures how promptly you respond to buyers’ inquiries. It’s measured over a 30 day period, and is based on how many responses you provided within 3 days of receiving an inquiry in the Message & Contacts center and within 1 hour of sending you a message through TradeManager.


Where can you find your Response Rate?
Where is Response Rate shown to buyers
Tips to improve your Response Rate

1. Respond to inquiries in a timely manner

  The quicker you reply, the higher your response rate will be.


2. Inquiries reported as spam or rejected by you in the Messages & Contacts are not calculated in the Response Rate.

    a) If you find the inquiries are not satisfactory, you may reject them within 72 hours.



 b) Or you can Report Spam if you think the inquiries are not serious. 



3. Make sure you respond online rather than with your email, as the latter won’t be calculated in the Response Rate.


4. Reply via Trade Center in My Alibaba instead of your personal email address.

    Inquiries replied to through your personal email will not be included in your response rate.

5. Use the Alibaba.com app to reply the inquiries at any time!

Note:Messages reported as suspicious or received when you are offline on the TradeManager are not calculated in the Response Rate.