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Tips to Checking Your Business Performance on Biz Trends

We've noticed that you've not viewed Alibaba.com's Biz Trends in the past 30 days.

Biz Trends is a Gold Supplier feature that helps you make the most of your presence on Alibaba.com. It gives valuable feedback on your performance.

We recommended you to sign in to Biz Trends on a regular basis to stay up to date with your performance on Alibaba.com.

What is Biz Trends?

Biz Trends is a real-time statistical analysis tool developed by Alibaba.com to help you analyze your online performance, better understand buyers' behavior and maximize your return-on-investment.

How to Access Biz Trends?

To access Biz Trends, click the "Biz Trends" tab in My Alibaba:

Detailed graphs, development trends, industry averages and personalized advice all help you to attract more buyers.

Biz Trends is updated regularly, so you'll always have the most up-to-date information at hand.

What Does Biz Trends Offer?

You can learn about buyers visiting your site and from which keywords they find your products from. View the My Buyers section.

You can learn about what buyers think about your products and your minisite, as well as your product rankings from the My Performance section.

You can check your data from the past 6 months (Biz Trends > My Performance > Business Overview):

Click here to learn how to effectively use Biz Trends.


Sign in to Biz Trends on a daily basis to track your performance on Alibaba.com.